Thursday 24 March 2016

Adventures with..delays

Well yeah its been a while again and all I can say is 

Its been a tough view weeks Rowan has been ill, Pat has been ill, I have been ill, teething and this week we have all had (and me and Rowan still have the stomach bug), throughout it all Rowan has been going though a clingy phase which has matched up "nicely" with a low phase I've been going though.

I know some of it is out of my control - my hormones have been going crazy because of my thyroid meds, making me feel like a mess and like I'm back a stage one. Only not shell shocked with a sleepy newborn, shell shocked with a active grumpy infant who wants his mummy's attention 24/7.
But i've gotten help, the correct dose for my thyroid for one thing! and me and Rowan are doing well, apart from a visit from the stomach bug fairy turning our home into a plague house.

So all back to normal soon 
